
Listening Part 1

1. What type of approach was conducted?

  • The aircraft was too far from the localizer RWY 01R.
  • Simultaneous parallel approaches to RWY 19R and 19L were carried out.
  • Simultaneous parallel approaches to RWY 19R
  • Simultaneous paralleling approaches to RWY 19R 19L were carried out.

2. Why did ATC make up his mind to alter RWYs?

  • There was information about tailwind increasing.
  • The pilot was receiving ATC information at that time.
  • Flight crew receiving ATC information.
  • The pilot received ATC information at that time.

3. Where was Bigjet 123 when ATC first notified the crew of changes?

  • Bigjet 123 was closing the localizer to RWY 19L.
  • Simultaneous parallel approaches to RWY 19R and 19L were carried out.
  • Bigjet 123 closed the localizer to RWY 19L.
  • Simultaneous parallel approaches to RWY 19R.

4. Why did the pilot non-flying commit an error?

  • ATC did make up his mind to alter RWYs.
  • Flight crew might not adhere ATCs instructions.
  • The pilot was receiving ATC information at that time.
  • Pilot did not make up his mind to alter RWYs.

5. Why were the pilots confused by the ATC instructions?

  • The aircraft was too far from the localizer RWY 01R and 02D.
  • The aircraft was too far from the localizer RWY 01R.
  • There was information about tailwind increasing.
  • To have enough time to get ready for approach.

6. What caused the flight crew to initiate a missed approach procedure?

  • Unreliable working of navigation system observed.
  • Unreliable navigation system was observeding.
  • Unreliable work of navigation system was observed.
  • Unreliable work of navigation system observed.

7. What can enable pilots to anticipate eventual RW change?

  • During approach pilots should analyze wind direction constantly to be ready for possible RW change.
  • During intense traffic operation and a short distance.
  • During approach pilots should analyze wind direction constantly is reading for possible RW change.
  • The pilot had inadvertently left the aircraft power lower than it had been necessary.

8. Why is it crucial to interact with ATC if changes occur?

  • They resulted in no change to the approach instructions.
  • To have enough time to get ready for approach.
  • They resulted in the change to the approach instructions.
  • Continued descent and changed heading

9. Why is RWY change supposed to be inappropriate?

  • Listen to an exchange an aircraft and ATC during taxi.
  • The aircraft control was promptly taken over by the crew, then the aircraft speed was adjusted.
  • During intense traffic operation and a short distance.
  • During was convenient traffic operation and a long distance.

10. What should controller be aware of?

  • Flight crew did not adhere ATCs instructions.
  • Flight crew might not adhere ATCs instructions.
  • Flight crew might not adhere ATCs information at that time.
  • There was information about tailwind increasing